Some clumsy "hero" has put you in a jar and now you must escape, the white pixies are luckily willing to help. If you can put them on thier goals you will be able to break free!


  • WASD or Arrow keys to move.
  • R to reset.


  • Sound effects made with JSFXR
  • Made with HTML & Javascript, edited in Visual Studio Code.


  • General hints:
  • The pixies can only move to tiles that are the same color as they are.
  • This means that pixie can only go to the goal which is on the same color tile as he is.
  • Every pixie has its own goal.
  • Tutorial:
  • Simply push all three pixes onto their goal. If you push a pixie off the map, you must reset.
  • Two islands:
  • In the first half you only need to push one pixie onto the goal. In the second half you must push two, try pushing them onto the goals in a different order.
  • Maze:
  • In order to push the pixies onto the goal, you may need to walk around the whole map. When you push a pixie, consider where it will end up and if you can still push it from that position.
  • Three islands:
  • The first Island shouldnt be a problem, just don't push the pixes off the map. On the second Island you must push the pixie off the map and onto the goal to win. On the last Island the goal is located on the first Island, try pushing it onto there.
  • Necklace:
  • This is a tough one, the pixie which starts on your right must be pushed onto goal which is off the map, you must push this fairy all around the map. try pushing this pixie onto the goal first, you may need to push the pixie which starts below you to a spot where it doesnt block the path. Below is an illustration for what you could do first.
  • Broken triangle:
  • This is the final level. There are many different solutions but in all of them you must set up the pixies in such a way that you can easily push all of them onto the goals.

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